4 Best Tips to Relieve Allergy Symptoms at Home

If you are severely allergic to dust, dirt, or other allergens in the house, you know how frustrating it can get to struggle with sneezing, coughing, rashes, or watery eyes. There is no ‘time’ as such for the dust to trigger your allergy. 

Controlling the allergens in your house can be a bit challenging. Instead, it is recommended to reduce its exposure in your home. Here are the best tips to help relieve symptoms and achieve allergy-free homes in Melbourne.

Vacuum and Clean Regularly 

Dust mites are the major element that triggers your allergy. Therefore, if you’re able to control that, you can reduce your allergy symptoms. It is best to vacuum your house regularly, at least once a day, to extract all the dust mites that are causing severe allergies. Vacuum the carpets and upholstered furniture, too. 

Control Pet Dander

Pet dander originates from skin cells that animals with fur or feathers shed. This is a potential cause of allergies. You can do your bit to control the pet dander. Here’s how –

  • Give your pet regular baths.
  • Regularly brush your pet's fur.
  • Pets should not sit on furniture.
  • Pet dander can be eliminated from the air by using a HEPA air filter.

Clear the Mould Around Your House 

 A lot of people are allergic to mould in the house. Therefore, if you’re unable to identify what triggers your allergy, find and clean the mould, if any. Always remember to wear a mask and gloves when you’re cleaning mould. You can try home remedies like vinegar, baking soda, etc., or it is best to hire professionals for mould cleaning. 

Examine the Pollen Level 

It is vital to monitor the pollen level, which is a plant-based allergen that mainly hits during the spring, summer, and autumn seasons. Here are some ways to monitor the pollen level in our home. 

  • Examine the weather prediction for your area.
  • Use an app that tracks pollen.
  • On days when pollen counts are high, stay inside.
  • Close the windows to avoid pollen from entering the home.

These are some of the steps to follow if you want allergy-friendly homes in Melbourne. Remember that your health should be your top priority, which is why you should look into these things carefully!


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