Energy Efficient Home Improvements:- How Much Do You Save?

Home improvements are fun. But they also can be confusing. Plus, since all of this is to improve your savings, very rarely do you actually know how much you end up saving.

Your Average Energy Usage Breakdown:-

  • Around 26% of energy is used up by heating systems.
  • 17% of energy is consumed by your cooling appliances.
  • 10% of energy goes into your home lighting.
  • 13% of energy is used by your water heater- be it for bathing or for cleaning.
  • 14% of energy is consumed in storing edibles, drying, preparing meals and also for washing clothes.
  • 13% of energy is utilised for pool pumps, motors and by other miscellaneous units.
  • 7% of energy is used up by computers, home entertainment systems etc.

Energy Saving:- How & How Much?

  • Simply replace your home’s five most used lights and bulbs by replacing them with Energy Star models which could bring about a saving of AU$ 75 each year.
  • Turn back your thermostat temperature by adjusting the temperature from 7 degree -10 degrees F. Do this for 8-hours a day, and you may save 10% on your energy bill every year.
  • Use a power strip for electronic equipment and remember to turn them off if they are not used. Jason Paine:- a reliable energy efficient home builder in Melbourne states clearly that doing so could lead to 12% saving on every electricity bill every year.
  • Using insulated hot water pipes is known to boost your annual savings on water heating bill by 4-5%.
  • Moreover, Nathan Harris:- an eco home builder in Melbourne recommends using weatherstrip double hung windows or better yet using premium quality European vPVC argon-gassed double glazed windows. They make a difference of 8-10% saving on your annual heating and cooling bills.
  • Using water saving technology or our Rainwater Catchment Purification provides purified rainwater and an annual saving of 7-9%.
  • Sealing uncontrollable air leaks, preferably the SIGA Airtight and Watertight systems bring about 10-20% of savings annually.
  • You can also save 4-6% on your yearly electricity bill by putting your computer on sleep mode or using the power management feature.
  • And a bonus tip is to plant more shade trees will save 15-50% on the annual air conditioning expense.

Final Say:

Other than the ones mentioned; there are many other ways by which you can achieve the biggest bang-for-your-buck. To understand them, it is recommended to contact professionals guarantying high performance built and request them for a proper home energy audit.

This audit will help you pinpoint the exact area where you can potentially make savings. With that; you can take in the expert’s viewpoints and plan for a list of upgrades which could further help accentuate your annual expenses.

Having performed so many quality energy saving home designs in the past, they will gleefully help you out.


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